Thursday, May 21, 2009

Angels are among us

With both a heavy and joyous heart, I had the great honor and privilege to be at the side of my sweet papaw as he went to his heavenly reward last night. I was able to hold his hand and whisper in his ear of his awaiting Savior as he took his last breath. It was a prayer answered for me. I spoke with the Lord often in the last few weeks about wanting that honor and am so grateful that he allowed me to be my papaw's escort before the gates of heaven. Tears are rolling down my face and yet I am so grateful that he has finally been released from a broken body to a new and glorious one. He has been reunited with his children and so many other friends and family that were waiting for him and now, I have one more guardian angel watching over me in this earthly place.
Angels do walk this earth each and every day and yesterday, our family was blessed to have one in our presence. Her name is Lois and she was my grandfathers nurse for the remainder of his hours on this earth. It was very apparent the moment she stepped foot into our lives that she was an amazing woman. Her voice was soft and she went straight to him to find out how she could make him comfortable. She had him on medications immediately to keep him comfortable and remained ever so diligent in maintaining that comfort. She was gentle with him and talked to him about everything she did, as he was unable to speak. She was acutely aware of his body language and of each stage as he stepped closer to his heavenly home and made sure that I was aware in a kind and gentle way. She held his hand as well as mine. One of the biggest moments that stood out to me was her ability to make him so emotionally comfortable. She whispered in his ear, asking him what we needed to change, who needed to be there or not be there as he left this world. She asked him, when he was ready to go, to close his eyes, and he did. As we talked, she said that this moment had been planned for a long time, the roll had already been called, and until the roll was called, he would not go home. There was a way that God intended this night to go and it would play out just as He intended. She was a strong stable spirit of God with a compassion and caring that was so very comforting and perfect. I thank God for Lois and I know many other families before and after me do as well. She is an angel with a very special calling.
Lord, thank you so much for placing so many amazing people in our paths during papaws and memaw final days here on this earth. Thank you for surrounding us with your presence and your love and your peace. Thank you for letting me be by his side during his last moment and thank you for allowing me to keep looking after memaw as long as she has left on this earth. You are my rock.