Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My special Angel

Mama has been on my mind much recently....
I often love to go back and read one of the many treasures she left behind for me. She was always so gifted with words and I cherish every letter, every card, every poem, every journal entry and every email. This was the last correspondence I would have with mama....written and sent to me mere hours before she would depart from this world.

Hi Baby,
really is important to live
each day as if it were a present from God. That is what it is. I'm sicker,
can't understand it. I guess
the last year really did serious damage. But I will rebound, and be
stronger for it. I learned a lot,
which perhaps helps me to help others.
I pray that God will give you strength to do what you have to do. God does
not test us, but allows
us to live in a world of evil. Each test makes us stronger. The book of
James talks of this, also
Isaiah 43:2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and
through the rivers,
they shall not overflow thee:...God is always with us. Whatever we do in
life, we are never alone.
Love you, pray for you, ask God to hold safe and show the way. Be strong,
you are one of his
angels, sent to help others.

Much love, MOM
"God not only sends special angels into our lives, but sometimes He even sends them back again if we forget to take notes the first time! " - Eileen Elias Freeman

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this e-mail and the quote. This picture is absolutely perfect, your mom was so beautiful.
