Thursday, July 2, 2009

On Safari in the Devil's Triangle

I recently stumbled into a spiritual briar patch and found myself having to lean on the discernment of God's will in an unexpected way. I know, sounds a bit convoluted at the moment but let me set the stage for you.
About a week ago, an extended family member that I had recently seen at my grandfather's funeral, called me to borrow money. She had occasionally borrowed from my gramps and was always good about paying it back. I had observed that she did not ask often ( at least in the last year and a half), so, being the softy that I am when it comes to helping people out, lent her the money. At the time, she did not have a car, so since her house was not too far out of the way, I took it to her. I was completely taken aback when I arrived at her house. It was 2 houses behind a crack house in a neighborhood that is known as the devil's triangle. There was stuff everywhere, bugs scuttering about in the background and the air was thick with heat. She had no air conditioning. My heart sank. This was no way for anyone to live, let alone a sixty something woman with brain cancer. I felt as though a burning bush had just ignited right in front of my eyes.
The visit was short, but nice, she promised to pay me back in a week. Once in the car, I immediately started trying to figure out the logistics on how to get her air condtioning and proceeded in the next few days to score a great portable unit for $200 less that the advertised price, thanks to a very nice Home Depot manager. I delivered it, giddy as a schoolgirl, happy that I could bring her at least some comfort. We visited again and I learned more about the dangers of living there and heard myself saying I wanted to help her get out of that situation.

1 comment:

  1. Of are always helping someone...or someTHING...
